Friday, October 22, 2010

It's all too real

I love sleep.  I remember as a kid I used to sleep all the time.  I think sometimes that perhaps my dreams are just so much more intriguing that real life and that's why I enjoy sleeping so much.  Actually, I also just love that snuggly feeling of being curled up in a blanket and warm.  I wish I could be sleeping right now.
But as far back as I can remember I've always been able to remember most of my dreams or at least parts of them.  One time I had this recurring dream that after I shared it with my brother, he told me a long kept family secret that explained the dream.  (I don't know you that well to share that secret publicly--sorry.) 
I've always had odd sleeping patterns.  My brother got married when I was 14 and we stayed in a hotel.  I got out of my bed, walked all the way down the hall before I woke up and started knocking on a stranger's door thinking it was my parents.  When I studied abroad I would wake up and walk towards the door to answer it.  A classmate sat me back in the bed and told me to go back to sleep.  I've been accused of sitting straight up in bed and being frightened.  People tell me everything is okay, and I go back to bed.  They tell me these things, but I don't always remember them in the morning.   But those are the incidences I remember because I was sharing a room.
Some years back I worked as a Residential Coordinator and had both a pager and a cell phone.  The job was rather stressful and at times I would wake up in the middle of the night because I had a dream that was so real.  I would dream that their was a third device that I had somehow lost.  I would wake up in a panic and start looking for this device.  I never could find it because it didn't exist.  It would take me several minutes to bring myself back to reality. 
After I quit that job and went back to school, I thought those dreams were gone.  Then one time I was traveling home for the summer, and I stayed in a hotel room.  I dreamt that my room was being burglarized while I was sleeping.  I woke up and couldn't move.  My body was frozen so that the criminals didn't know that I was awake.  Again it took me several minutes before realizing they weren't real.  My dream had been so real down to the details of the room I was staying in. 
I will most likely never be free of these dreams.  But lately they have taken on a new life.  They are full of bugs.  And I'm terrified of these bugs.  They are crawling out of my pillow.  Sometimes they are snakes but mostly bugs. 
The odd thing is that I'm not usually scared of bugs.  My house is pretty empty of bugs other than the occasional spider or the ants that I took care of months ago.  I never know why the bugs are there.  I don't know what makes me dream those dreams.  But I do know that I wake up terrified of them.  I believe they are in my pillow.  I jump out of bed.  Sometimes I have to turn the light on and stare at my pillow for several minutes before I'm sure it was all a dream.
Luckily, I have a man that tells me it's all okay and that I should go back to bed.  But I'm too curious a person to just let it go.  It's just going to keep bugging me.

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