Friday, October 1, 2010

Being a grownup

Between a teaching schedule of Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays and packing lots of office hours on Tuesdays, I'm able to enjoy Thursdays at home.  Yesterday I even woke up early and watched a Netflix movie that had been sitting on the tv stand for a month.  Then I took a nap and after proceeded to clean the kitchen.  Five hours later, I wondered where my day off went.  I'm new to the home owning lifestyle and although it excites me to have a place to call home after many years of vagrancy, the responsibilities are much more than expected.  I often consider myself lucky if I can see the counter top in the kitchen, only a load or two of laundry waiting to be done, and enough toilet paper to make it until the weekend when I can go grocery shopping.  So when do I have time to mop the floors, vacuum the cat hair off the furniture, and rid my house of the hundreds of spiders and bunnies (of the dust variety) that have moved in since I bought my house just a year ago.  Perhaps someone else knows how to have it all and keep it all clean.  But it's not me.

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