Sunday, November 7, 2010


There have been times in my life where I have rightfully earned the title "Drama Queen."  Then I grew up a little.  I stopped running away and found that when things settled down a little life was pretty darn good.  Of course, I'm with a man who doesn't encourage drama and when he does we sit down and talk it out together.
So it's all good.  Until the stars got misaligned this week and the drama began again.  One of my best friends introduced me to his girlfriend who I quickly adored only to have him break up with her shortly thereafter.  Another good friend asked to borrow money because of some poor financial planning.  I was reminded that I need to make Thanksgiving plans for a sibling even though it's not my responsibility.  My mother reminded me of how I neglected my bf's cat while we were first dating and now that he's sick I should feel guilty about it.
Guilty.  That is the feeling of the week.  I wondered if we impose feelings of guilt on our selves or do we let others?  And if we do it to ourselves, how do we stop?  Is there any benefit to it?  If others do it, how do we stop?  Should we feel guilty for allowing them to make us feel guilty? 

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