Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Tortured Artist

It will be Thursday again soon.  It's the day that I get to stay home and do fun stuff.  Except, it's rarely that fun.  It often involves catching up on laundry or dishes, or even worse, grading exams.  I did run away this last Thursday and traveled with my mother and brother to Lake Placid for the day.  We used to travel there every year for my dad's birthday.  I've made sure we keep that tradition. 
I don't have to stay home to have fun on those days.  Sometimes exceptions are necessary, like spending family time to see the leaves changing colors in a town that is familiar and comfortable but still exciting.  But if I did happen to stay home, then I can imagine lots of fantastic craft projects that would be a great way to use my time.  Here's my journey.
You see for years I've lived in apartments, shared spaces with other people, and always dreamed of having my own craft room.  Every time you move and want to start a project you accumulate more stuff.  You loose track of that awesome fabric or yarn you were going to make something with.  Over the years I must have purchased twenty glue guns alone.  You never feel like you can do a proper job because you never have the right tools or the right space.
That was all about to change when I bought my house last year.  It was three bedrooms, correction, two bedrooms and a craft room.  Yes, I would have my craft room.  In fact, it was the first room I painted.  And then it started to go down hill.  The heater in my bedroom broke, and the other bedroom was half painted (for several months.)  So my bed was "temporarily" placed in the craft room.  Then when I moved out of that room, it was used for storage.  We bought a table for the room, that eventually made it up there.  The bins of supplies collected over years remained in the basement. 
But recently, yes recently, I found a dresser that I re-purposed for the room quite fantastically if I do say so myself.  I rearranged the table and an extra desk.  I sorted boxes of goods.  I purchased bins for the closet for more materials.  I've moved several bins upstairs and sorted two of them.  And actually, I started a project while sitting at my craft table. 
It's finally coming together.  Now if only I can find the time to use it.

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