Monday, October 4, 2010

Reading-what's that?

My boyfriend doesn't understand why I want to blog.  You have to understand that he's an intelligent person but just doesn't get any enjoyment out of reading for fun and can't understand why anyone else would either.  He asks why I think random strangers would read what I write?  And more importantly why I would want them to?  I can't explain it to him.  There is something therapeutic about writing down my thoughts even if nobody reads them, or even if some stranger reads them. 
I read blogs.  I have some friends who keep blogs, and it lets me know what's going on in their life.  I read strangers' blogs.  Today a dear old friend shared his blogspot with me--and it's been the best part of my day. 
In a world where there is so much going on, sometimes it is just nice to take a deeper look at someone.  Stop and admire their pictures and imagine what their life must be like.  I find the pictures the most fascinating.   It gives me perspective on my life.  It makes me think that maybe there's someone out there who reads my blog and wonders who I really am. 
Perhaps I need to figure out how to post pictures...

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