Saturday, July 9, 2011

Buddy Cat

This week we said goodbye to our dear Buddy cat.  He had been sick for over nine months and nature finally took its course. 
Buddy was a big fluffy super loving, always purring cat.  He really was a lover.  He especially loved kids.  And he Loved his belly rubbed.  He would roll on the floor and take a belly petting anytime. 
We first noticed something wrong when he started losing weight.  He also developed a lump on his throat.  After several visits to the vet, ivs, pills, blood work, and lots of other care we realized that we could maintain his current condition for a while but that eventually we would have to let nature do what is does best. 
A few months back he started refusing to take his pills.  I knew this was his way of telling me that he was ready.  It wasn't long before he lost the ability and motivation to be around us like he used to.  He continued to eat and drink and take the love that we gave him. 
We started to talk about the decision.  The one every good pet owner has to make; have him put down or let him go naturally.  Anytime I thought about taking him to the vet he would try to roll on his back for belly loving, and I just couldn't do it.
And then it was clear that the end was near.  He no longer wanted to be around us.  He wanted to be alone.  Thursday night I told Loren that it was time.  We went downstairs to where he was resting.  We placed him on the guest bed, held his head up and told him how much we loved him.  We both laid with him, both remembering what an amazing gift he had been to us.  He began to purr.  He purred loudly for a long time, most likely using all the energy he had left inside of him.  We closed our eyes and waited.  His breathing began to slow.  At moments we imagined the last was the last and then another.  Again we told him we loved him, and he was gone. 
I don't know where kitties go after they die, but I hope Buddy has found a place to be happy and run around and get all the belly loving he can.  I know we'll miss him terribly but will take comfort knowing he was well loved and he isn't in pain anymore.

1 comment:

  1. oh my. i'm so incredibly sorry. losing a pet is so hard. what a blessing it was that he was surrounded by loved ones when he passed. hugs to you.
