Monday, November 21, 2011


Our new lives as foster parents has been an incredible journey.  There have been oh so many ups and downs and everything in between.  We are excited to continue and learn as we go.
This blog isn't the place for sharing details of our children's lives, but I do feel I need a place to express some of the things we've experienced.  So you'll need a little background information first.  About three months ago we took on an 11 month old infant boy (who has since learned to walk, but often prefers crawling.)  Then almost a month ago we were asked if we would like to take in two toddlers.  These two boys are ages 2 and 3 and are only ten months different in age.  We had had these boys in our temporary care in the past and we had fallen in love with them.  It seemed like a no-brainer at the time. 
But time has told that it isn't at all easy.  But no parent ever signed up for easy.  So now we have a 1,2, and 3 year old boys  living with us.  It has led to quite the adventures.
Yesterday we took a trip to a big city and went shopping with all of the boys.  In this environment of seeing hundreds of people we got quite the reactions.  In fact, I felt very judged.  Clearly my partner and I were traveling with three boys all very close in age.  What makes it even more interesting is that each boy has a different hair color, the two brothers are blond and brunette while the baby is a red head.  One stranger even came up to me and asked me how I did it.  She wanted to know how I got three boys with different hair colors.
Now, here is where I have a problem.  I don't want to tell people that these boys are foster children and that is why it is possible to have so many so close in age.  But, and maybe this is my issue I need to work on, I don't want people making judgments about me.  I don't want them to think that I'm promiscuous, or that I'm a bad planner, or a bad mother.  And perhaps the real problem is that I would most likely judge others if I saw the same situation. 
Maybe that is the whole point of this, maybe I need to judge others less.  Maybe I need to be more open to what others' are dealing with in their own lives. 
It's interesting what a stranger can teach you.